All over the world, men live less than women. In Brazil, the difference between their life expectancies is almost 7 years (79.9 years for women; 72.8 for men), so talking about Blue November is also talking about conservatism.

According to the Ministry of Health, 31% of men do not have the habit of going to the doctor, and when they do, in 70% of cases it is influenced by their wives or children. And because statistics only help those who value them, prostate cancer accounts for an average of 44 deaths every day in Brazil.

There’s only one path

towards the cure

The recommended age for increased attention to prostate cancer is 50. This includes both the medical side, such as going to the urologist every year and having preventive

examinations, and the self-care side as well, such as being vigilant about symptoms, adopting healthy habits and being aware of risk factors.


PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigens)

This is the test used to investigate prostate cancer even before it shows symptoms. Performed through a simple blood test, it measures the amount of a protein produced by the prostate, the Prostate Specific Antigen.

Rectal Examination

Very effective at identifying changes that could be a sign of prostate cancer, the procedure lasts around 10 seconds, doesn’t hurt, doesn’t pose any risks to health or, even less so, to masculinity.

For morbidly obese patients, blacks or those with a family background, the recommended age is 45.
Schedule your appointment here!


Preventive examinations are the best way to screen for or detect prostate cancer at an early stage, when it doesn’t even show symptoms. Some signs, however, require attention:

If you notice any of these symptoms, see an oncologist immediately.

Risk factors

Family background

Morbid obesity

Black skin

Healthy habits

Unfortunately, cancer cannot be prevented. You can reduce the chances of this happening by adopting healthier habits. Follow a more balanced diet, avoiding ultra-processed options for example, and include regular physical activity in your routine.

There’s only one path

towards to health of the company

Prevention is not only better than cure. It’s cheaper too! And the math is simple: a late diagnosis, in addition to the substantially higher risk to the patient’s health, also generates outrageous costs for operators.

On a large scale, and as these claims skyrocket, the costs begin to threaten the financial balance of the company offering

the health plan, and can reverberate as a loss even for those who were not ill, such as a downgrade (change to a lower option) of the benefit or even its cancellation.

Therefore, a health culture based on preventive care and allowing early diagnosis saves even the financial health of companies.

Chat with the doctor

Coming soon, an exclusive video with a specialist doctor from Rede D’Or to discuss everything that involves prostate cancer and men’s health.

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