The risk is certain.

Cancer is not!

Unfortunately, every woman runs the risk of developing breast cancer. It is the most common type among women in Brazil.
Fortunately, chances of curing the disease are amazing 95% (or more)! ? when diagnosed early.
But there are some factors that increase or decrease the chances of developing the disease. Keep an eye on them!

These factors increase the chances:

it increases the level of estrogen in the body, a hormone which acts in the development of the breast tissue

it increases the levels of insulin, stimulating mitosis, which can cause an effect on the growth of tumor cells

it releases inflammatory mediators that can promote the tumor growth

Excess of alcoholic beverages
it also increases the estrogen level, besides contributing to weight gain

Industrialized products
rich in sodium and sugar, they impair the blood flow and increase the levels of insulin, as well as elevating the risk of an inflammatory process and of cancer

Premature menarche
the age of the first menstrual period below 12 years of age

Late menopause
after 55 years of age

Postmenopausal hormonal replacement

Family background
may show greater possibility of developing the disease (it is necessary to seek genetic counseling and make tests to analyze the odds)

These factors reduce the chances:

Healthy diet
it helps prevent obesity, in addition to not increasing insulin level

Physical exercises
they also prevent obesity, besides improving blood circulation

the milk flow and the baby’s suction cause exfoliation and renewal of the ductal cells of the breast

Not smoking
research suggests that carcinogens present in cigarettes can increase the risk of breast cancer

Some studies demonstrated that women who live a very stressful routine have almost twice the odds of developing the disease

Everything cleared up? Great!

But there is another essential care when it comes to breast cancer:


This must be an indispensable exam for every woman. This is because this exam detects early breast cancer.

According to the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology (BSCO) and the Brazilian Society of Mastology (BSM), women should have a mammography once a year, starting at 40.

Remember that mammography is a non-invasive exam that captures images to detect tumors to be analyzed in further detail.


This exam is only performed when a tumor is found in the breast tissue, and it is nothing more than a minimally invasive surgical procedure where small fragments are removed from the tumor for lab analysis.

Oh, but what about the self-exam?

It is also important, however, as it doesn’t detect cancer at its early stage, it is far from being the main care when it comes to early detection.

What is the best way to do it? We can explain it:

Stand in front of a mirror without wearing a bra and feel the entire surface of your breast, from the nipple to the armpits, and look for bumps. Ideally, this exam should be carried out 1 week after the menstrual period. If you notice any bump, a variation on the skin or in the nipple, seek a mastologist.

Is cancer certain?

The outcome can also be!

Breast cancer is the most common type among women in Brazil. And it demands appropriate attention. But it does not mean it’s the end of the line for a long time now. Treatments have increasingly been improved and the chances of cure are bigger and bigger.

But, for this to happen, remember that the mastologist is your best friend, the specialist who diagnoses, treats and rehabilitates any breast disease. So, don’t go looking for miraculous treatments on “Doctor Internet”, with or without other specialists.

Breast cancer is not all the same

Nowadays, one of the most used categories separates the disease into 4 groups:

Luminal A

hormone-sensitive, low-risk tumors

Luminal B

hormone-sensitive and more aggressive tumors


negative for estrogen and progesterone, and negative for the oncogene HER2


are those containing an oncogene called HER2

Neither is the treatment

Besides depending on the type of cancer, the treatment varies according to the phase of the disease. Besides the surgery, in which the tumor is removed, there is:


Here is where the medication comes into the picture to destroy the cells forming the tumor, preventing that they multiply.

The chemo may be administered in 8 different ways: oral, intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intracranial, intra-arterial, intraperitoneal and topical (exception).

Hormonal therapy

This treatment is frequently used after the surgery, to reduce the risk of the disease coming back. This is because this therapy attacks cancer cells in any part of the body. Remember that, in spite of the name, it is a hormonal blockade.


It is a treatment where ionizing radiations are used in the tumor. The aim is also to destroy or prevent the tumor cells from growing. Many times the patient feels nothing at all.

What about the side effects?

Don’t panic. Each human body is unique, so each person responds in a specific way in relation to each treatment. This means that not every side effect is felt by every patient during the same phases of the treatment. So, do not suffer in advance! =]

However, possible side effects according to each treatment are:


• Neck and back discomfort
• Short-term pain
• Changes in skin sensitivity
• Accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the adipose tissue
• Lymphedema


• Tiredness
• Loss of appetite and difficulty in swallowing food
• Skin reaction (it may itch, become red, irritated, burnt, becoming dry and scaly)

Hormonal therapy

• Fatigue
• Mood swings
• Hot flashes
• Vaginal dryness


• Changes on skin and nails
• Changes on sex drive
• Changes on mood

• Anemia
• Diarrhea or constipation
• Fatigue
• Bruises and hemorrhages
• Infection
• Infertility
• Mouth inflammations
• Nausea and vomit

• Loss of appetite
• Hair loss
• Weight loss
• Concentration problems
• Neurological and muscular problems, such as numbness, tingling and pain
• Renal problems

Living (well) during the treatment

“Nowadays, it is possible to keep a good quality of life during the breast cancer treatment phase. Surgeries are increasingly less radical and, even when chemotherapy is necessary, we have better control of the side effects!”

Dr. Gilberto Amorim

In addition to the treatments mentioned above, some other professional care may help you go through this phase the best way possible:

In order to live well during the treatment, it is also important to talk about two of the main fears: mastectomy and hair loss.

Mastectomy consists of removing the entire breast in order to treat the cancer. Many times it is carried out when the patient cannot be treated with lumpectomy, a surgery that keeps most part of the breast.

During or after mastectomy, the patient may opt for breast reconstruction, which restores the appearance of the breast.

There is also the preventive mastectomy, which is rare and recommended in cases of a strong family background of breast and ovary cancer. How is this background assessed? Preferably, after genetic counseling and tests that monitor mutations. It is the famous case of Angelina Jolie, remember?

Hair loss occurs because chemo mainly affects the cells that frequently multiply, such as hair cells.

Keep in mind that not every kind of chemo causes hair loss. But, if this is your case, you should know that 2 or 3 months after the end of the sessions, your hair will grow back again. During this phase, many women take this opportunity to change their appearance by wearing headscarves, wigs, hats… All it matters is to protect the scalp against the sun and, of course, to feel good!

Some Oncology D’Or units offer the Scalp Cooling service, which is a cooling cap that helps preserving the hair during the treatment.

Fact or fake?

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Every breast cancer must be operated on as soon as it is found out


The pillar of the breast cancer treatment is surgery, but there are cases where the oncological treatment can be inverted, with the chemo coming first, and consequently going through surgery under better conditions.

You can’t remove your cuticles during the treatment


But it depends! Women who have had the total removal of underarm lymph nodes have this restriction. This is because it can favor the entrance of bacteria and cause infection.

A “positive” attitude is essential for the cure


It is natural to feel sad, angry and even hopeless, but the positive attitude can help you keep social and family connections, which are fundamental for you to remain active and emotionally able to endure tough times, besides mitigating the side effects of the treatment.

Deodorant causes breast cancer


And breast cancer doesn’t start in the armpits, as the urban legend says.

Men can also develop breast cancer


However, in a ratio 100 times less in relation to women. It’s important to remember that, if there is any suspicious abnormality in the breast, a doctor must be consulted.

The birth control pill causes breast cancer


Modern pills are safe and have many benefits.

Breast size influences in the chances of developing breast cancer


Women who have silicone implants have the same risk of developing the disease


In addition, bigger care is necessary while examining the breasts, due to the implants.

Hair dying is not recommended during the treatment


Although… it is suggested to avoid ammonia or, at most, a concentration of up to 2%. In addition, if the patient has been using the cool cap technique and has been maintaining her hair, hair dying is not recommended.

The immunity of those who go through treatment does not change


At least in most patients, immunity is preserved. And even those patients going through chemo, the decrease in immunity is specific and transitional. However, occasionally, infections may occur

Can the cancer return?



It is important to keep in mind that treatments are getting better and better. For this reason, even when the tumor returns in the breast or other parts of the body, we still expect the treatment result to be increasingly better.

Those who don’t have a family background don’t run the risk


8 in 10 women don’t have a family background of the disease.

Mammography radiation can cause cancer


The amount of radiation during a mammography is not that different from the amount of a simple X-ray.

Microwaves and cell phones cause breast cancer


Stress and “resentment” cause breast cancer

This is a controversial issue, but it’s


Scientific studies conducted with patients suffering from depression and post-traumatic stress do not prove this connection.

Cancer can be detected in ear wax


Recent research was able to identify characteristics of different types of cancer in quick, simple and cheap analyses, simply with ear wax. It’s also good to know that studies make advancements concerning urine, feces and blood.

Some good tips


• Você é mais Forte do que o Câncer (You are Stronger Than Cancer)
• Paciente com câncer: um guia para quem acabou de receber o diagnóstico (Patient With Cancer: A Guide for Those Who Have Just Received the Diagnosis)
• A História dos Seios (The Story of Breasts)
• Cadê seu Peito, Mamãe? (Where is Your Breast, Mom?)
• Por uma Vida Inteira (For An Entire Life)
• Mastectomia: Mantendo a Qualidade de Vida Após o Câncer de Mama (Mastectomy: Keeping the Quality of Life After Breast Cancer)
• O que as Mulheres querem saber sobre o Câncer de Mama (What Women Want to Know About Breast Cancer)


• Ice Bound (2003)
• Decoding Annie Parker (2014)
• Cristina (2016)
• Lipstick: Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy (2006)
• Stepmom (1998)


• Sex and the City – Samantha Jones [Kim Cattrall] receives the breast cancer diagnosis in the last season of the series.

• Parenthood – Kristina Braverman [Monica Potter] finds out she has breast cancer right after she and her husband are dismissed from work, and after the highly-anticipated birth of their daughter.

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