Have you ever felt frustrated about your weight or a health problem? Have you ever wanted to find a quick and easy solution that promised to solve everything in no time? If you answered yes, you’re not alone.

Many people turn to diets and health resources that promise real magic such as losing weight in a week, quick hair growth, strengthening nails and even disease control through natural magic such as water with lemon while fasting, water with okra, among others.

But are practices such as taking apple cider vinegar to lose weight, over-the-counter medicines, natural products or cosmetic procedures that promise incredible results really safe ways to lose weight healthily?

Health consequences of using magic formulas

The big problem with magical health care methods is the lack of professional support.

Many of them are recommended by lay people and are not scientifically proven to be effective, and may even do more harm than good. Below you can see some of the consequences.

Hocus Pocus, learn how to find the solution from A to Z!

Medical supervision is essential if you want to lose weight healthily. Even solutions such as bariatric surgery and the use of weight-loss drugs are no guarantee of success.

They require medical and psychological support and a change in habits as well. Bariatric surgery, for example, alters the functioning of the digestive system and requires a strict diet and nutrient supplementation in order to lose weight healthily.

On the other hand, weight-loss drugs can cause addiction, insomnia, anxiety, tachycardia, hypertension, among other problems. What’s more, these solutions don’t address the emotional and behavioral issues that can be behind problems such as obesity.

And speaking
of obesity…

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2025, it is estimated that 2.3 billion adults around the world will be overweight, of which 700 million will be obese. Faced with this alarming scenario, how can we take care of our health and prevent obesity?

It is one of the main preventable causes of death in the world, as it has consequences such as various chronic diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

While we talk about not using magic formulas, we must also find solutions.

No tricks:
health involves changing habits

Taking care of your health doesn’t involve miracle solutions, but rather conscious and sustainable changes. So, abracadabra! Here are a few tricks that bring results:

Healthy eating

Regular physical

Drinking enough

Getting a good
night’s sleep


Nurturing positive

Seeking medical help to solve problems, whether physical or emotional

Here’s a tip
straight out of the hat!

Be flexible and patient with yourself. Changing habits is not a linear and immediate process. You may face difficulties, obstacles and relapses along the way. Don’t blame yourself or get frustrated. Learn from your mistakes and resume your habits as soon as possible.

After all, health isn’t magic, it’s change. A worthwhile change.

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April 7th
World Health Day