All these beneficiaries take the risk of bearing the costs of this loss in the health plan account!
How your benefit works
The Health Plan Card
It works as a debit card. Every time you use it during some procedure, an amount is debited from the balance, which is paid by your company to the insurance provider. If this usage amount is higher than the balance… trouble ahead!
Does this mean you can’t use your health plan?
On the contrary! You must use your benefit, but use it wisely.
Do you want an example?
Always get your routine preventive exams. With this behavior you will prevent potential diseases and more complex procedures that are naturally more expensive.
What you really must not do is having an unhealthy behavior, either for you or for the Plan, such as:
Having a sedentary lifestyle
Not making a follow-up visit to the doctor
Self-medicating (risk of intoxication)
Making use of the emergency room care when there is no emergency
Using the consultation of one child for treating another child, without the need
Excessively consulting with different physicians, in search of the “ideal doctor”
Splitting the consultation price into two or more receipts to raise the reimbursement amount
Signing blank medical referral slips and not making sure that you really have used the services described on the document
There’s no way out, ends won’t meet for your company.
And when ends don’t meet, $urpri$e
Those who don’t pay the Plan coinsurance might start paying it.
And those who already pay it, might start paying a higher price.
It is your responsibility.
And now, there is no excuse. We have prepared a brief guide with everything you need to know to use your Plan wisely.
Check it out right now and save the link in your favorites, so you can refer to it whenever you wish.