2020 taught you that clean hands save lives.

But it is not new that sanitizing them is a fail-safe recipe to fight diseases and epidemics. And since not all danger is pushed away with positive thinking, you can’t count on luck when the subject is health, can you?

Just think about it:

when you cough or sneeze, what part of your body protects your mouth? What about when you have a runny nose? And when you use the bathroom, go down a flight of stairs, call the elevator? When you open doors, handle money, stand on the subway…

There is no way out. On a single day, as normal as it is, your hands experience everything! What is “everything”? Viruses and bacteria! Invisible threats that, in many cases, can be very harmful to your health:

And the list doesn’t stop there, okay? There are countless threats…

Also, according to Unicef, more than 40% of newborn deaths would be prevented by the simple act of hand washing. And believe it or not: many respiratory infections, known to be airborne, are actually spread more by hands than by air!

Do you realize how dangerous your (dirty) hands are, and worse, not only to you? That is why, when we talk about hygiene and prevention, there is no alternative: one hand washes the other!

At home

  • Before, during and after food preparation and eating
  • After using the bathroom (duh!)
  • Before and after treating an injury or dealing with ill people
  • Baby at home? Before touching any of the baby’s objects and after changing diapers
  • After feeding, cleaning or petting your pet
  • After touching garbage cans

On the streets

  • After using public transportation
  • After touching commonly used surfaces such as doorknobs, handrails, etc.
  • After handling collective objects, such as telephones, computers, gym weights, etc.

If it is micro, watch out for hiding places

Areas such as the tips and between the fingers, under the nails, and thumbs are generally the most neglected.

Hand washing is not a time to be stylish

Jewelry and accessories such as rings, bracelets, and watches are dangerous deposits of microorganisms. Remove them before you start sanitizing.

It is not 70% alcohol for nothing!

This concentration is ideal for bactericidal activity. Do not use ordinary alcohol, it can cause micro-cracks, making it easier for viruses and bacteria to colonize.

You thought we were going to forget about the new coronavirus, right?

Everything that has been said so far applies to it as well…

By the way, you have already heard that SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted by the respiratory droplets (coughing or sneezing) of an infected person or by contact with surfaces or objects contaminated by that person. So, considering that you are always wearing a mask, just sanitize your hands frequently, and the chances of getting contaminated go way down.

“But isn’t it just wearing gloves then?”
“Right, but… No!”

Unfortunately, it has been proven that the chance of contamination while wearing gloves increases, as people end up touching their face with them or contaminating themselves when removing them.

Quiz do Coronavírus
You didn’t know that, right? Test your knowledge in our Coronavírus Quiz and find out all the facts and fake information on the subject!

Put your hand on your conscience

(not without first sanitizing it!):

clean hands reduce your chances of coming into contact with all these threats by up to 40%.

Always keep your hands sanitized.

It is more than luck. It’s health!

Help spread this idea by downloading and publicizing the campaign poster and wallpaper!

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https://www.cdc.gov | https://www.unicef.org/brazil | https://www.mdsaude.com | https://www.who.int/eportuguese/countries/bra/pt

Technical Manager
Marcus de Paiva Martins | CRM RJ (Regional Medical Council –
State of Rio de Janeiro): 52-59350-1