That’s when you remember what you’ve made: a list of New Year’s resolutions. Just like you do every year.

So far, so good, except for the items on the list, which were once again not fulfilled.

Who would Prometheus be, after all, if not all of us,

trying to build without worrying about the foundation?


According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Mental Health Report of June 2022, almost 1 billion people suffered from a mental disorder in 2019. The report also points out that in the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic alone, depression and anxiety increased by more than 25%.

And when we talk
specifically about Brazil…

Brazil has the most anxious population in the world

And those with mental disorders are still the target of prejudice.

Brazil is the country with the highest prevalence of depression in Latin America

Data from the WHO’s latest mapping of the disease shows that 5.8% of the Brazilian population suffers from depression, or the equivalent of 11.7 million Brazilians.

Concern regarding mental health

should exist all over the world, among all people. But, as you can see, this issue in Brazil is even more important.
Mental health plays a fundamental role in a person’s quality of life, impacting their ability to keep relationships, achieve general well-being and fulfill objectives – such as the goals for a new year.

Mental health care not only reduces the risk of psychological disorders, but also strengthens the ability to cope with stress, increases emotional resilience and improves cognitive performance. Taking care of mental health means taking care of the basis of everything, and is an essential approach to anyone’s well-being.

How to take care of mental health?

Scroll sideways for some simple and effective tips

Take it easy on
this list!

Having a list of resolutions for the New Year is a great idea, as long as the list includes mental health and is achievable.

Keep in
mind that:

Don’t be like Prometheus, who accomplished nothing.

Remember that you can write anything on paper, but without “mental health” in your New Year’s resolutions, all your goals will be compromised.

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